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A letter to My Younger Self

I strongly believe that we shouldn’t get so stuck with what has been that it stops us moving forward with our lives. However, in saying that there are times when looking back helps us move forward because we can make peace with what we have been through.


Now I am no counsellor or psychiatrist, but as those of you that have followed me for a little while now will know I have been through my share of rubbish. So, this is purely being written as some one who has been there and got the t-shirt. Writing a letter to your younger self may not work for everyone but it may help you.

Letter to My Younger Self


A child with an adult female
What will you say to your younger self?


Dear Younger Self,


I know you’ve been through so much and you don’t know how much more you can take. I know you feel like a failure and that hate yourself to your core for making any, and all of your mistakes. I know you feel like you should get everything perfect all the time and that you are letting those around you down when you make a mistake. I know that you feel like it’s up to you to save those you care about and when you can’t you feel that it’s your fault.


And I am so sorry that I put you through all that, and that it took me so long to get the help that we really needed. I’m sorry that I was afraid that those around you would stop loving you and so didn’t admit that you were struggling. How wrong I was on that point.


I know you have more challenges ahead of you, and some will make you wonder how much more you can take. Some will make you question yourself and make you feel like life is out to get you. But I promise you that you will be thankful in the end for everything you have been through and everything you will go through.


You will reach a point where you will look back and be grateful for all these challenges. When you look back and realise that there is no way you could have become the person you are to be without all the challenges. The battles will leave their scars, but they are ultimately scars you wear with pride.


You will lose people along the way, people that right now you think will always be in your life. But you will learn the lesson that some people are only meant to be in our life up to a certain point. At times that will be a painful lesson, and some of those people will never truly leave your heart and your mind will sometimes wonder how life is treating them. But you will start putting faith in that if your paths are meant to cross again, they will.


But as well as these heartbreaks that you’ve had and will have, you will meet the most amazing people and have the most amazing life journey. I’m sorry for the difficult journey (and sometimes very difficult journey) but I thank you for allowing me to become the most amazing person I could’ve ever become. And I can’t wait until you and I meet our future self, I wonder what amazing things she will accomplish thanks to what you are going through and what I will go through.


All my love until we meet again.




Now obviously no one needs to see your letter but sometimes in life we either need to forgive ourselves. Or as in my case apologises to my past self for the things that she went through.

Either way the point of this exercise is to help you move forward and help you put the past in the past, and it also helps put the present in perspective. But as I said at the start of this post I am no counsellor or psychiatrist but only showing you an exercise that has helped me.


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